Standardized Address Point Data for the Twin Cities

A long-awaited regional milestone has arrived! A complete seven-county metro address point dataset is now available from the Minnesota Geospatial Commons. Its attributes follow the recently adopted state address point data standard.

The dataset aims to contain a point location and the official address for all occupiable units and other official addresses within each address authority's jurisdiction. Address authorities are usually cities.

DNR Publishes Wildlife Action Network Data

Minnesota's Wildlife Action Plan is a partnership-based conservation plan to ensure the long-term health and viability of Minnesota's wildlife. The plan focuses on species that are rare, declining, or vulnerable to decline.

Use Commons Data at Geo:Code 2018

For the past three years, Hennepin County has hosted the an open data code-a-thon called "Geo:Code". The event is a community-generated conference to connect residents with Hennepin County and open data. This year's event will be held on March 24 and 25, 2018, at the Hennepin County Library in Minneapolis. MnGeo would like to encourage attendees to make use of the resources here at the Geospatial Commons for their projects.

National Recognition for the Commons

In the past two months, the Minnesota Geospatial Commons has been honored with recognition in two national award programs. First, the Center for Digital Government included us in their Inaugural Goverment Experience Awards, under the category of "Government to Government Experience".


More Minnesota Counties Join the "Free and Open" Ranks

In our February 2016 article, we covered the policies behind "Free and Open Data" and the deep research done by the folks at MetroGIS  Since then, MetroGIS coordinator Geoff Maas has shared those policies, and the benefits of free and open data policies with local governments and citizens.


Find more data with What’s In My Neighborhood

One of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s goals is to develop and maintain high-quality, accessible data systems. The agency’s What's In My Neighborhood application has been helping deliver this data to people for nearly 15 years. Recent changes to how the MPCA stores and manages its data allow the application to deliver more than ever.

Milestones: Over 600 Resources and Growing

Resource-by-resource, the amount and variety of geospatial information available via the Commons is growing! Not only are established publishers continuing to add resources, but nine new publishers have joined the effort this past year. We'd like to extend a big welcome to:

New Land Cover Data and Twin Cities 2016 Imagery Added

A sample of land cover data from the Twin Cities metro

In honor of Geography Awareness Week, we'd like to announce the availability of several long-awaited datasets.

Land Cover and Impervious Surface Data

DNR Releases Minnesota Buffer Map and Data

As part of the state’s commitment to protecting clean water, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has released an interactive map to help Minnesotans understand the buffer requirements for Minnesota’s waterways in a visual way.

Centerline Data from Next Generation 911 Effort Will be on the Commons

Since 2015, MnGeo and the Department of Public Safety (DPS) have been collaborating to create a more modern 911 system entitled Next Generation 911 (NG911). Through the use of geospatial data, emergency personnel can more accurately pinpoint the location of emergencies allowing for quicker responses – and the potential to save more lives.
