Annual Average Daily Traffic Locations in Minnesota
AADT represents current (most recent) Annual Average Daily Traffic on sampled road systems. This information is displayed using the Traffic Count Locations Active feature class... -
Annual Average Daily Traffic Segments in Minnesota
AADT represents current (most recent) Annual Average Daily Traffic on sampled road systems. This information is displayed using the Traffic Segments Active feature class as of... -
Metro Road Centerlines Modification Log
This dataset logs the modifications of the MN road centerline data, adopting the GAC standard. It tracks both attribute and geometry changes. Each attribute and geometry change... -
Airports Information in Minnesota
Aviation safety, and safety of people and property on the ground, can be affected by construction in the vicinity of an airport. The area influenced by airport rules and... -
Heavy Commercial Annual Average Daily Traffic Segments in Minnesota
HCAADT represents current (most recent) Heavy Commercial Annual Average Daily Traffic on sampled road systems. This information is displayed using the... -
Heavy Commercial Annual Average Daily Traffic Locations in Minnesota
HCAADT represents current (most recent) Heavy Commercial Annual Average Daily Traffic on sampled road systems. This information is displayed using the Traffic Count Locs Active... -
Roadway Lane Information in Minnesota
One or more lanes on the left or right side of the through lanes that permit vehicles to enter, exit or pass traffic. A designated area on the left or right side of a roadway... -
Metro Road Centerlines
This dataset was created by a joint collaborative project involving the technical and managerial GIS staff from the ten Metropolitan Counties of the Twin Cities in Minnesota... -
Water Navigation Information in Minnesota
The physical location of Locks and Dams maintained by the US Army Corp of Engineers along Navigable Waterways (Mississippi River) in the State of Minnesota.Navigable water,... -
Memorial Routes in Minnesota
Memorial Routes represents road centerlines for all public roads within the State of Minnesota which are designated as a Memorial Route in a state statute. The roads are... -
Street Names in Minnesota
Street name is the common name given to a piece of roadway. It usually matches the signed roadway name. Only county roads, state aid routes, and highways can have different... -
Curb and Shoulder Details in Minnesota
Indicates if there are curbs present on a given route segment (Right, Left, or Both).A stabilized shoulder on the left and right of the roadway, usually made of concrete or... -
Fee Base Roads in Minnesota
HOV list the location and type of high occupancy vehicle lanes.TOLL list the location and types of toll lanes.Check other metadata records in this package for more information... -
Bridge Locations in Minnesota
This is a point displayed dataset of in-service bridge locations throughout Minnesota, maintained by the MnDOT Bridge Inventory Management Unit located at the MnDOT Bridge... -
MnDOT Route Centerlines
This data set shows the centerlines of all public and some private roads within the state of Minnesota. Segments of pavement may have only one route or muitple routes traveling... -
Historic Annual Average Daily Traffic in Minnesota
AADT table that represents current and historic Annual Average Daily Traffic on sampled road systems. Resource Contact: Christy Prentice, Traffic Forecasting & Analysis... -
Roadway Details in Minnesota
The drivable surface material of the roadway.The operational characteristic of a given route segment. Values indicate if the segment is a one-way or two-way road as well as if... -
Interregional Corridor and Statutory Routes in Minnesota
The Interregional Corridor system has been retired and is no longer used to measure performance or as an investment category. Through federal legislation, the National Highway... -
Federal Functional Class in Minnesota
Functional class is the level of service of a route or segment of a route. http://www.dot.state.mn.us/roadway/data/functional_class.htmlCheck other metadata records in this... -
Minnesota Snowmobile Trails, 2024-2025 season
This layer shows all of the current snowmobile trails open to the public in Minnesota, regardless of funding source.