Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) and Watershed Restoration and Protection Stra...
A polygon feature class used to map the spatial extent of Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) projects and Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy (WRAPS) areas in Minnesota.... -
DNR Cooperative Ground Water Monitoring Locations
Minnesota DNR Cooperative Ground Water Monitoring locations extracted from KISTER'S Water Information Systems (WISKI) time series database. The locations mirror the available... -
MNDNR Forest Inventory Species
The Forest Inventory Species related table shows the summation of select forest attributes by the species present within the stand. Summations are generated averaging individual... -
Minnesota Groundwater Contamination Atlas
The Minnesota Groundwater Contamination Atlas GIS data allows users to view groundwater areas of concern for sites in remediation programs. The data does not map areas of risk... -
MNDNR Forest Inventory NonMerch
This table contains assessments of the regenerating species within a stand, as assessed during the most recent stand inventory activity (whether on the ground or estimated by... -
State Parks, Recreation Areas, and Waysides
This dataset consists of three related feature classes:-- A point file of State Park, State Recreation Area, and State Wayside Area reference locations, individually positioned... -
MNDNR Native Plant Communities
This dataset contains 3 main feature classes. See the detailed description of each feature class in the individual metadata files below:MNDNR Native Plant CommunitiesDNR NPC and... -
Permanent List of Priorities (PLP)
This dataset represents active sites on the Permanent List of Priorities (PLP), otherwise known as MN Superfund Sites. The locations, classifications, and other information... -
Wastewater Facilities in Minnesota
This dataset represents the locations, classifications, and physical characteristics of NPDES and SDS wastewater facilities regulated by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.... -
DNR/MPCA Cooperative Stream Gaging Locations
MNDNR and MPCA Cooperative Stream Monitoring Locations extracted from KISTER'S Water Information Systems (WISKI) time series database. Data collected at these locations may... -
Well Information from County Well Index for the General Public
The County Well Index (CWI) geodatabase was developed by the Minnesota Geological Survey (MGS) and is maintained in cooperation with the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH).... -
Agricultural Chemical Incidents
The Minnesota Department of Agriculture is the lead agency for response to, and cleanup of agricultural chemical contamination in Minnesota. Because of this role the Minnesota... -
State Aquatic Management Area (AMA) Aquisitions
This data layer shows lands acquired by MNDNR Fisheries through purchase, donation and easement for establishment as Aquatic Management Areas (AMAs). AMAs are established to... -
State Forest Statutory Boundaries and Management Units
This layer file consists of three related datasets:- Statutory boundary polygons of State Forests- Lands managed by the Division of Forestry within the statutory boundaries,... -
MNDNR Forest Inventory
The MNDNR Forest Inventory layer depicts the stand level demarcation of lands administered or managed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR) Forestry. Stands... -
Metro Address Points Dataset
This dataset is a compilation of address point data from metro area address authorities, which are predominantly cities. The dataset is intended to contain a point location and... -
Transit Shelters
The Transit Shelters layer identifies customer waiting shelters at transit stops. This dataset relates to Metro Transit's Transit Stops data. -
Groundwater Capture Area
The “capture zone” is the proposed capture area within the aquifer. When there isn't a surface water contribution, the groundwater capture area is identical to the wellhead... -
Surface Water Stations - MPCA Environmental Data Access
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) surface water monitoring station locations, including lake, stream, biological and discharge. Locations of United States Geological... -
Feedlots in Minnesota
This dataset contains point representations of the locations of animal feedlot facilities in Minnesota. The data includes contact information, registration/permit information,...