Drinking Water Supply Management Area for Surface Water (DWSMA-SW) New Genera...
New generation of Drinking Water Supply Management Areas for surface water (DWSMA-SW) intakes. This is the endorsed surface and subsurface area surrounding a public water supply... -
Drinking Water Supply Management Areas
These sets of data include the drinking water supply management area boundaries and the vulnerability levels within each management area in Minnesota. More information can be... -
Wellhead Protection Areas
Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA) is the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) approved surface and subsurface area surrounding a public water supply well or well field that... -
Well Information from County Well Index for the General Public
The County Well Index (CWI) geodatabase was developed by the Minnesota Geological Survey (MGS) and is maintained in cooperation with the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH).... -
FEMA Digital Flood Rate Insurance Maps (DFIRM), Minnesota
The Federal Emergency Managment Agency and the MNDNR produce Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRM) for selected counties in the state. These maps are often referred to as... -
Impaired Waterbodies, Minnesota, 2024
This is a set of the impaired waterbodies as determined by MPCA's surface water quality assessment process, approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on... -
Assessed Waters, Minnesota, 2024
This is the set of the waterbodies assessed by MPCA's surface water quality assessment process for the 2024 303(d)/305(b) integrated report to EPA.Please consult the metadata of... -
Public Waters (PW) Basin and Watercourse Delineations
These are provisional representations of Public Waters Basins (lakes, wetlands) and Watercourses (streams, altered channels) as depicted on the scanned paper regulatory maps and... -
Springs in Minnesota
Inventory of springs in Minnesota. These data are collected and compiled by the Minnesota DNR as a tool to help create awareness of and appreciation for this resource so spring... -
DNR Hydrography Dataset
The DNR Hydrography Dataset is the centralized SDE data storage for master versions of DNR hydrographic spatial features (effective 2012). It includes the authoritative... -
Public Water Access Sites in Minnesota
This geodatabase contains authoritative GIS data for MNDNR Parks and Trails-administered public water access sites. It also contains information about free public water access... -
Public Drainage Systems, Minnesota
These datasets represent the geospatial public drainage system records (as defined by Minnesota Statute 103E) of selected areas of Minnesota. They have been created using a... -
Lake Superior
This dataset is based on NOAA's Great Lakes Medium Resolution Digital Shoreline. The Lake Superior Shoreline was extracted and converted to a polygon feature class. Water and... -
Lake Basin Morphology
Lake Basin MorphologyLake polygons with an attribute table of morphometric indices which describe the physical form and structure (morphology) of a lake.Lake Basin Fetch and... -
Shallow Lakes Identified by DNR Wildlife
This is a polygon coverage of shallow lakes in Minnesota. In this coverage, a "shallow lake" is defined as a basin 50 acres or greater in size having a maximum depth of 15 feet... -
Stream Routes with Strahler Stream Order
Stream segments with Strahler stream order values assigned. For more information about Strahler stream order, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strahler_Stream_Order Stream... -
Lake Basin Littoral Zone
15-Foot Standard: Polygons showing the DNR Fisheries calculated littoral zone based on a standard 15-foot depth contour. For this standard, all lake areas 0-15 feet in depth are... -
Stream Routes with Kittle Numbers and Mile Measures
This is a feature class of measured stream routes and is a core feature class within the DNR Hydrography Dataset.A "route" is an ESRI linear feature type created through a... -
Stream Routes - Major River Centerlines
This data layer represents stream centerlines for major rivers in Minnesota.Major River Centerlines are maintained as tabular data and displayed as linear events on the Stream... -
Lake Bathymetric Outlines, Contours, and DEM
This file geodatabase includes the following individual layers:Lake Bathymetric Contours: Contours lines corresponding to lake bathymetry, digitized from existing lake contour...