MnModel Historical Hydrographic Model, Minnesota

The Historical Hydrographic Model (HISTHYD) raster feature dataset was developed as a model of surface hydrographic features at the time of the Public Land Survey in Minnesota.

Additional Info

Field Value
dsAccessConst None
dsCurrentRef 2011-2017
dsModifiedDate 2022-03-10 00:32:20
dsOriginator Minnesota Department of Transportation
dsPurpose The purpose of this dataset is for use deriving variables for predicting archaeological site locations in Mn/Model Phase 4 (Mn/Model4).

This dataset is best suited for general reference only. It is not suitable for precise land measurements or ground surveys.

For more information please visit MnModel's website:
gdrsDsGuid {09f2f001-dd8f-4c0a-b68e-ed157a46cd9a}
spatial {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-97.508970, 43.192405],[-97.508970, 49.652543], [-89.028990, 49.652543], [-89.028990, 43.192405], [-97.508970, 43.192405]]]}

Dataset extent

Tiles © Esri — Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, iPC, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community