Groundwater Restoration And Protection Strategies (GRAPS) layers used in the ...
These layers were created by MDH to provide a groundwater context for MNDNR's Watershed Health Assessment Framework (WHAF) tool. WHAF provides an organized approach for... -
Scientific and Natural Area Units
This dataset includes the main MNDNR Scientific and Natural Areas (SNA) feature class, along with ancillary feature classes such as annotation and parking lots. These feature... -
Karst Feature Inventory Points
Southeastern Minnesota is part of the Upper Mississippi Valley Karst that includes southwestern Wisconsin and northeastern Iowa. In Minnesota, surface karst features (including... -
Exploration, Scientific, and Engineering Boring Hole Locations Stored in the ...
Location data for exploratory, sciencific, or engineering borings conducted statwide since the early 1900s. Drill Core and/or other samples from a large number of these borings... -
AgroEcoregions, Minnesota
Minnesota has 39 agroecoregions. Each agroecoregion is associated with a specific combination of soil types, landscape and climatic features, and landuse. Agroecoregions are... -
Springs in Minnesota
Inventory of springs in Minnesota. These data are collected and compiled by the Minnesota DNR as a tool to help create awareness of and appreciation for this resource so spring... -
Ecological Land Type Associations of Minnesota
This coverage provides information for the fourth level of the Ecological Classification System. Polygon boundaries were delineated at a scale of 1:100,000 with a... -
Minnesota Regions Prone to Surface Karst Feature Development
In Minnesota, surface karst features (including but not restricted to sinkholes, caves, stream sinks, and karst springs) are observed to primarily occur where 50 feet or less of... -
USFS SSURGO Based Histosols
This layer shows the histosol percentage at 10 meter resolution for the continental United States as derived from the current gSSURGO/SSURGO databases from NRCS. Values range... -
Hydrogeologic Sensitivity of the Water Table Aquifer
Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Source Water Protection initially developed county-scale nitrate risk maps in 2007 for nine southeastern Minnesota counties to assist with... -
Geology of Blue Mounds State Park
This dataset contains 8 layers describing the geology of Blue Mounds State Park. The work used to produce this data was published in this report: GEOLOGY OF BLUE MOUNDS STATE... -
MNDNR Watershed Suite
The MNDNR Watershed Suite is a collection of watershed delineations at various levels, flow network lines, and pour points. This is the newest version updated in 2023. Follow... -
Special Well and Boring Construction Areas (SWBCA)
Description: The improper location, construction or sealing of a well or boring in an area of groundwater contamination may allow contaminants to spread to otherwise protected... -
MNDNR Watershed Suite Legacy Dataset (2010-2023)
The legacy version of the MN DNR Watershed Suite is from 2010-2023. Updates to the MN DNR Watershed Suite Dataset will occur on October 31st, 2023 and can be accessed at... -
Minnesota Six-Inch Soil Temperature Network
The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) Six-Inch Soil Temperature Network provides real time soil temperatures at locations across Minnesota. The network was established... -
Aggregate Resource Mapping Program
The Aggregate Resource Mapping Program (ARMP) began in 1984 when the Minnesota Legislature passed a law (Minnnesota Statutes, section 84.94) to: - Identify and classify... -
Areal extent of the Mt. Simon-Hinckley aquifer
The Mt. Simon-Hinckley aquifer is the deepest bedrock aquifer in south-central/southeastern Minnesota, including the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area. The aquifer is often... -
Pollution Sensitivity of Near-Surface Materials
This dataset estimates the pollution sensitivity of near-surface materials from the transmission time of water through 3 feet of soil and 7 feet of surficial geology, to a depth... -
Water-Table Elevation and Depth to Water Table, Minnesota Hydrogeology Atlas ...
This dataset estimates the water-table elevation from three primary sources: depth to water table in saturated soils from Natural Resources Conservation Service data (which are... -
Groundwater Provinces of Minnesota 2021
The Minnesota Groundwater Provinces map summarizes aquifer and groundwater resource differences at the regional level. Some parts of the state have several groundwater resources...