Geodatabase to Shapefile Warning Tool
The Geodatabase to Shapefile Warning Tool examines feature classes in input file geodatabases for characteristics and data that would be lost or altered if it were transformed... -
Twin Cities Metro Area Road Surface Area, 2022
This high-resolution (1 meter) raster represents road surface area for through streets (including alleys) in the seven-county Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Area. Minnesota... -
Minnesota Fire Stations
This dataset contains point features representing the building locations of active fire stations in Minnesota. If you find an error with this dataset please notify us of the... -
Minnesota Law Enforcement Locations
This dataset contains point features representing the building locations of active law enforcement facilities in Minnesota.To download this dataset locally, go here... -
Racial Covenants in Hennepin County
This data was compiled by the Mapping Prejudice Project and shows the location of racial covenants recorded in Hennepin County between 1910 and 1955. Racial covenants were legal... -
Solar Insolation, Minnesota (2006-2012)
The analysis used to produce this dataset looks at geographic location, surface slope, surface aspect, and the effects of shading based on local topography and adjacent... -
Shapefile of the 1968 Ecological Study for the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area:...
This data is a digitized version of Ian McHarg's original 1968 map - "An Ecological Study for the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area: Composite Intrinsic Suitability." -
Twin Cities Historical Surface Waters Based on Original Public Land Survey Ma...
These shapefiles of lakes, streams, wetlands, river bottoms, and the Mississippi River represent the hydrological landscape of Minneapolis and St. Paul as recorded in the... -
TCMA 1-Meter Land Cover Classification
A high-resolution (1-meter) land cover classification raster dataset was completed for three different geographic areas in Minnesota: Duluth, Rochester, and the seven-county... -
Duluth 1-Meter Land Cover Classification
A high-resolution (1-meter) land cover classification raster dataset was completed for three different geographic areas in Minnesota: Duluth, Rochester, and the seven-county... -
Rochester 1-Meter Land Cover Classification
A high-resolution (1-meter) land cover classification raster dataset was completed for three different geographic areas in Minnesota: Duluth, Rochester, and the seven-county... -
Minnesota Land Cover Classification and Impervious Surface Area by Landsat an...
This is a 15-meter raster dataset of a land cover and impervious surface classification for 2013, level two classification. The classification was created using a combination... -
Land Use, Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, 1968
A shapefile was generated from ArcINFO coverages, which were in turn created by digitizing a 1968 paper map of land use in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. The map was... -
Land Use, Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, 1978
A shapefile was generated from ArcINFO coverages, which were in turn created by digitizing a 1978 paper map of land use in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. The map was... -
Digital Surface Model, Minnesota (2006-2012)
A 1m resolution digital surface model that was generated from raw LiDAR data. -
Minnesota Historical Aerial Photographs Online (MHAPO)
The points in this dataset represent the approximate geographic location of the centroids for scanned, non-georeferenced air photos that were captured between 1923 and 2007 and... -
TCMA 1-Meter Urban Tree Canopy Classification
This classification was created using high-resolution multispectral National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) leaf-on imagery (2015), spring leaf-off imagery (2011- 2014),... -
Land Use, Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, 1958
A shapefile was generated from ArcINFO coverages, which were in turn created by digitizing a 1958 paper map of land use in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. The map was...