Sewer Interceptor System
This dataset contains the wastewater interceptors within the MCES regional wastewater system. The interceptor system connects the local community sewer systems to the wastewater... -
This dataset contains flow meters within the MCES regional wastewater system. Flow meters measure the volume of wastewater at various points in the interceptor system and are... -
Lift Stations
This dataset contains lift stations within the MCES regional wastewater system. Lift stations pump wastewater into forcemain interceptors which carry the flow from lower to... -
Liquid Waste Receiving
This dataset contains liquid waste receiving sites (LWR) within in the MCES regional wastewater system. These sites accept the discharge of hauled wastewater and are regulated... -
Wastewater Treatment Plants
This dataset contains MCES owned/operated wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) which treat wastewater conveyed by the MCES regional wastewater system. The dataset does not contain... -
Rain Gauge Sites
This dataset contains MCES rain gauges in the Twin Cities seven county metro area. MCES uses rain gauges for flow monitoring, planning, inflow/infiltration (I/I) analysis, and... -
Sewersheds (Metersheds, WWTP Service Areas)
This dataset was developed to divide areas within the Twin Cities Metro Area into smaller, geographic regions. These sewershed boundaries are classified as currently served,... -
Long Term Wastewater Service Areas
This dataset contains current and potential future wastewater service areas for the Twin Cities seven county area. Areas are determined using MUSA boundaries and the...