FEMA Digital Flood Rate Insurance Maps (DFIRM), Minnesota
The Federal Emergency Managment Agency and the MNDNR produce Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRM) for selected counties in the state. These maps are often referred to as... -
DNR Division of Wildlife Administrative Areas
This file was created to show the boundaries of the Wildlife Administrative Areas in the State. -
Listed Infested Waters
These are water bodies (lakes, streams/rivers, wetlands) listed as infested with any of these aquatic invasive species:bighead carpBrazilian waterweed brittle naiadEurasian... -
MNDNR Forest Inventory Old Growth
This layer is a digital inventory of currently designated or candidate old growth forest stands on lands administered by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). This data... -
MBS Sites of Biodiversity Significance
This data layer represents areas with varying levels of native biodiversity that may contain high quality native plant communities, rare plants, rare animals, and/or animal... -
MNDNR Native Prairies
Native prairie polygons are a subset of a larger database of DNR Native Plant Communities and are the result of that classification system and protocol. As a subset of the DNR... -
MNDNR Forest Inventory
The MNDNR Forest Inventory layer depicts the stand level demarcation of lands administered or managed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR) Forestry. Stands... -
Wildfires Tracked by Minnesota DNR
This layer shows the locations of wildfires for which the DNR was the primary responding agency. These include fires not only on state lands, but also rural private lands for... -
MNDNR Forest Inventory Diameter
The Forest Inventory Diameter Distribution table shows the trees per acre by two-inch diameter class for the species present within a stand from the last inventory activity... -
DNR Cooperative Ground Water Monitoring Locations
Minnesota DNR Cooperative Ground Water Monitoring locations extracted from KISTER'S Water Information Systems (WISKI) time series database. The locations mirror the available... -
MNDNR Forest Inventory Species
This table contains assessments of the regenerating species within a stand, as assessed during the most recent stand inventory activity (whether on the ground or estimated by... -
MNDNR Forest Inventory NonMerch
This table contains assessments of the regenerating species within a stand, as assessed during the most recent stand inventory activity (whether on the ground or estimated by... -
MNDNR Native Plant Communities
This dataset contains 3 main feature classes. See the detailed description of each feature class in the individual metadata files below:MNDNR Native Plant CommunitiesDNR NPC and... -
DNR/MPCA Cooperative Stream Gaging Locations
MNDNR and MPCA Cooperative Stream Monitoring Locations extracted from KISTER'S Water Information Systems (WISKI) time series database. Data collected at these locations may... -
MNDNR Native Plant Communities - Groundwater Subset
This wetland classification scheme was originally developed for a Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) effort to establish protective permit thresholds for... -
State Peat Leases
The State of Minnesota issues peat leases on state-owned and state-administered fee surface interests. These layers are of active or historic State peat leases, administered by... -
State Mineral Leases
The State of Minnesota issues mineral leases on state-owned and state-administered fee mineral interests. The lease types include iron ore, taconite, industrial mineral,... -
State Aquatic Management Area (AMA) Aquisitions
This data layer shows lands acquired by MNDNR Fisheries through purchase, donation and easement for establishment as Aquatic Management Areas (AMAs). AMAs are established to... -
DNR Hydrography Dataset
The DNR Hydrography Dataset is the centralized SDE data storage for master versions of DNR hydrographic spatial features (effective 2012). It includes the authoritative... -
Hunter Walking Trails
Hunter walking trails are managed to provide non-motorized hunting opportunities. Management may include maintenance of parking lots, gates, signs, mowing, and habitat...