Metro Planning and Regional Development in Minnesota
The area for each Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO).The area for each Regional Development Organization (RDO).Check other metadata records in this package for more... -
State Funded Best Management Practices - BWSR (eLINK)
This layer represents locations of best management practices (BMPs) reported to the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) via the eLINK grant reporting system from 2003 to... -
Calcareous Fens - Source Feature Points
Pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, section 103G.223, this database contains points that represent calcareous fens as defined in Minnesota Rules, part 8420.0935,... -
Annual Average Daily Traffic Locations in Minnesota
AADT represents current (most recent) Annual Average Daily Traffic on sampled road systems. This information is displayed using the Traffic Count Locations Active feature class... -
MPCA Agency Interests
Facility, site and project locations from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's enterprise database. These features represent locations associated with waste water, storm... -
Highway Reference Posts in Minnesota
Reference posts (often called Mile Post or Mile Markers) are green numbered signs along the side of a highway roughly a mile apart for traveler reference. Check other metadata... -
Wastewater Facility Discharge Locations in Minnesota
This dataset represents the locations, classifications, and physical characteristics of NPDES and SDS wastewater facility discharge locations regulated by the Minnesota... -
Surface Waters Assessed for Chloride
The MPCA and its partners systematically evaluate waters in each major watershed in Minnesota every 10 years. This process begins with comprehensive lake and stream water... -
Drinking Water Supply Management Area for Surface Water (DWSMA-SW) New Genera...
New generation of Drinking Water Supply Management Areas for surface water (DWSMA-SW) intakes. This is the endorsed surface and subsurface area surrounding a public water supply... -
MPCA Institutional Controls
Institutional Controls (ICs) are restrictions, conditions, or controls intended to protect the integrity of a response action and help minimize the potential for exposure to... -
Annual Average Daily Traffic Segments in Minnesota
AADT represents current (most recent) Annual Average Daily Traffic on sampled road systems. This information is displayed using the Traffic Segments Active feature class as of... -
What's In My Neighborhood Sites
The MPCA's What's in My Neighborhood contains a wide variety of environmental information about your community. This includes potentially contaminated sites, permits, licenses,... -
Airports Information in Minnesota
Aviation safety, and safety of people and property on the ground, can be affected by construction in the vicinity of an airport. The area influenced by airport rules and... -
Land Application Sites in Minnesota
This dataset represents locations of land application sites regulated by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Land application is the process of incorporating products such... -
Drinking Water Supply Management Areas
These sets of data include the drinking water supply management area boundaries and the vulnerability levels within each management area in Minnesota. More information can be... -
Federal Adjusted Urban Area Boundaries in Minnesota
Federal Urban Code lists the U.S. Census federal adjusted urban area a road segment is assigned to. The adjusted urban boundaries from the 2010 U.S. census. Check other metadata... -
Aquifer Properties - Public Version
The geodatabase contains a table and a featureclass with values for transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity, and storativity entered into the aquifer properties... -
MNDNR Buildings
This dataset contains points representing MN DNR owned Building locations. The data is derived from the ARCHIBUS database maintained by the DNR Division of Operations Services.... -
Heavy Commercial Annual Average Daily Traffic Segments in Minnesota
HCAADT represents current (most recent) Heavy Commercial Annual Average Daily Traffic on sampled road systems. This information is displayed using the... -
Wellhead Protection Areas
Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA) is the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) approved surface and subsurface area surrounding a public water supply well or well field that...