MPCA Agency Interests
Facility, site and project locations from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's enterprise database. These features represent locations associated with waste water, storm... -
Drinking Water Supply Management Area for Surface Water (DWSMA-SW) New Genera...
New generation of Drinking Water Supply Management Areas for surface water (DWSMA-SW) intakes. This is the endorsed surface and subsurface area surrounding a public water supply... -
Natural Area Registry
Natural Area Registry (NAR) Sites layer version supporting SNA Work Planning application.natural_area-registry-sites_boundaries: A polygon database delineated on and... -
What's In My Neighborhood Sites
The MPCA's What's in My Neighborhood contains a wide variety of environmental information about your community. This includes potentially contaminated sites, permits, licenses,... -
Land Application Sites in Minnesota
This dataset represents locations of land application sites regulated by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Land application is the process of incorporating products such... -
Drinking Water Supply Management Areas
These sets of data include the drinking water supply management area boundaries and the vulnerability levels within each management area in Minnesota. More information can be... -
Scientific and Natural Area Units
This dataset includes the main MNDNR Scientific and Natural Areas (SNA) feature class, along with ancillary feature classes such as annotation and parking lots. These feature... -
Aquifer Properties - Public Version
The geodatabase contains a table and a featureclass with values for transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity, and storativity entered into the aquifer properties... -
Wellhead Protection Areas
Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA) is the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) approved surface and subsurface area surrounding a public water supply well or well field that... -
MPCA Remediation Sites
This dataset represents the locations, classifications, and physical characteristics of remediation activities carried out by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. The... -
Wastewater Facility Discharge Locations in Minnesota
This dataset represents the locations, classifications, and physical characteristics of NPDES and SDS wastewater facility discharge locations regulated by the Minnesota... -
MPCA Institutional Controls
Institutional Controls (ICs) are restrictions, conditions, or controls intended to protect the integrity of a response action and help minimize the potential for exposure to... -
MNDNR Forest Inventory
The MNDNR Forest Inventory layer depicts the stand level demarcation of lands administered or managed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR) Forestry. Stands... -
MPCA Environmental Justice
This resouce contains two spatial datasets. MPCA Environmental Justice AreasMPCA Census Tribal AreasThese data represent areas of consideration for MPCA environmental justice... -
MNDNR Forest Inventory Diameter
The Forest Inventory Diameter Distribution table shows the trees per acre by two-inch diameter class for the species present within a stand from the last inventory activity... -
MNDNR Forest Inventory Species
This table contains assessments of the regenerating species within a stand, as assessed during the most recent stand inventory activity (whether on the ground or estimated by... -
Minnesota Groundwater Contamination Atlas
The Minnesota Groundwater Contamination Atlas GIS data allows users to view groundwater areas of concern for sites in remediation programs. The data does not map areas of risk... -
State Administered Lands - DNR Management Units, Minnesota
This data layer shows lands acquired, administered and/or managed by Minnesota DNR. These include lands in the following categories: Aquatic Management Area (AMA)Scientific... -
MNDNR Forest Inventory NonMerch
This table contains assessments of the regenerating species within a stand, as assessed during the most recent stand inventory activity (whether on the ground or estimated by... -
State Parks, Recreation Areas, and Waysides
This dataset consists of three related feature classes:-- A point file of State Park, State Recreation Area, and State Wayside Area reference locations, individually positioned...