MPCA Volunteer Water Monitoring Stations

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Volunteer Water Monitors measure the clarity of lakes and streams, collecting valuable data that is used to make decisions on watershed protection and restoration. The enrollment map shows high priority stream stations and lakes in need of volunteer monitors, and displays locations that are currently monitored by volunteers. The data and report map provides links to a data summary of the previous monitoring year for actively monitored sites. And the transparency and trends maps provide views of the summarized monitoring data.<br/> <br/> Monitoring is quick and easy, and the MPCA provides equipment free of charge. Learn more about the MPCA Volunteer Water Monitoring Program at, and join over 1,300 Minnesotans who track the health of their favorite lake or stream through the Volunteer Water Monitoring Programs!
  • Program HomepageHTML

  • Volunteer Monitoring Enrollment MapHTML

  • Volunteer Monitoring Data and Report MapHTML

  • Average Summer Transparency - StreamsHTML

  • Average Summer Transparency - LakesHTML

  • Water Clarity Trends - StreamsHTML

  • Water Clarity Trends - LakesHTML

Additional Info

Field Value
dsAccessConst None
dsModifiedDate 2023-07-22 00:07:14
dsOriginator Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
dsPeriodOfContent 3/7/2022
gdrsDsGuid {68de1fab-2b06-456a-a02d-dc30d34ff886}