MetroGIS Validation Tool Validation Tool

Data producers or those who maintain address points can use this tool to validate their data against the state Geospatial Advisory Council (GAC) Address Point Standard. The validations within the tool were originally created as part of a workflow for counties under the Metropolitan Emergency Services Board (MESB) jurisdiction to pre-check their address points before being submitting data to the aggregated Metro Address Point Dataset. The primary driver behind developing the validations was to support 911 dispatch workflows administered by the MESB.<br/><br/>Counties using this tool can obtain a schema geodatabase from MnGeo (link below). All counties, cities or those maintaining authoritative data on a local jurisdiction’s behalf, are encouraged to use and modify the tool as needed to support local workflows.<br/><br/>Datasets Supported:<br/>Address Points<br/>Road Centerlines<br/><br/>Standards Page<br/><br/><br/>Specific validation information and tool requirements can be found in the following documents included within this resource.<br/>Readme_HowTo.pdf<br/>Readme_Validations.pdf<br/> <br/>

Additional Info

Field Value
dsAccessConst None
dsModifiedDate 2023-02-03 23:40:21
dsOriginator Metro GIS
dsPeriodOfContent 2/3/2023
dsPurpose The purpose of this tool is to run quality control checks against the state standards. Some of the validations go above and beyond what's documented in the state standard and were developed to support 911 quality control workflows. These additional validations can be turned off or removed if needed within the script.
gdrsDsGuid {64e065a1-f7b0-4902-a689-3ad759d30666}