Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Draft Data 2024-2027

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) describes all proposed federally-funded transportation projects within the Twin Cities metropolitan planning organization (MPO) area. Data is published annually after the Draft TIP is released (usually in the spring).<br/><br/>As a Metropolitan Planning Organization, the Metropolitan Council is federally required to prepare the TIP as a short-range program that complements its long-range transportation plan. The TIP is prepared in coordination with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) State Transportation Improvement Program.<br/><br/>The Transportation Improvement Program dataset includes 4 data pieces.<br/>Two geographic files for project location (note there is no overlap between these two, projects fall into one or the other)-<br/><br/> - TIPdraftPoint: Projects as points - Centralized project work at one or multiple defined locations or at generalized center of project work scope (ex: intersection improvements at intersection of roads A and B).<br/> - TIPdraftLine: Projects as lines - Linear project work along a feature's length (ex: road X reconstruction from point A to point B).<br/><br/>Two Tables-<br/><br/> - TIPdraftUnmapped: List of projects not mapped due to broad or generalized project location.<br/> - TIPdraftFullTable: Full list of TIP projects for the Draft 2024-2027 TIP. This should include all the projects from Points, Lines, and Unmapped table . <br/><br/>Geographic TIP data was created using project descriptions and did not use engineering level data. This data should be used for regional scale planning and visualization purposes. It is not intended for site specific applications. Project extents are correct to staff knowledge but are subject to change based on project plans and TIP amendments.<br/><br/>More information on the TIP can be found at the Met Council's website:<br/>
  • Esri ArcGIS Server Map Service - TIPdraftLineags_mapserver

  • Esri ArcGIS Server Map Service - TIPdraftPointags_mapserver

  • OGC GeoPackagegpkg

  • ESRI File Geodatabasefgdb

  • ShapefileSHP

  • Esri ArcGIS Server Map Service - TIPdraftFullTableags_mapserver

  • Esri ArcGIS Server Map Service - TIPdraftUnmappedags_mapserver

  • Full Metadata RecordHTML

Additional Info

Field Value
dsAccessConst None. This dataset is public domain under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13). If the dataset is not available from the Online Linkage in Section 6, please contact the Distribution Contact Person.
dsCurrentRef Dataset updated yearly with the release of the Draft TIP.
dsModifiedDate 2023-10-03 00:32:58
dsOriginator Metropolitan Council
dsPeriodOfContent 8/8/2023
dsPurpose To visualize and locate funded Transportation Improvement Program project locations across the Metropolitan Council's planning area.
gdrsDsGuid {85j7438z-y2s8-724k-is9b-2517939030d3}
spatial {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-94.012, 44.471],[-94.012, 45.415], [-92.732, 45.415], [-92.732, 44.471], [-94.012, 44.471]]]}

Dataset extent

Tiles © Esri — Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, iPC, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community