GDRS Manager

A Geospatial Data Resource Site (GDRS) is a structured collection of GIS apps and data used as the data structure that supports the Minnesota Geospatial Commons (MGC) and MNDNR Quick Layers (for <a href= target=_blank>ArcGIS Pro</a> and <a href= target=_blank>ArcMap</a>). The GDRS Manager application allows anyone to create their own local GDRS, either to be shared on an organization's network drive or to use offline. There is no installation for the GDRSManager. Simply download the application and double-click the executable file to run it. Current version:<br/><br/>Use as the source GDRS to access the full public data from the MGC. Copy everything or select which datasets you want to copy to a local GDRS destination. If you have disk space or download speed limiations, sorting the resources by size and unselecting the largest resources is a quick way to reduce the size of a the GDRS but still have access to most of the resources.<br/><br/>Once you have a GDRS set up, run the application again whenever you want to update existing datasets or add additional datasets. You can even keep your data current by scheduling automatic updates to run gdrsmanager.exe through a bat file. For your reference, a template bat file gdrsmanager_console.bat is included in the application download. Just make sure to update the bat file to include the path to your copy of GDRS Manager, and schedule the bat file to run as desired.<br/><br/>The application download includes a comprehensive help document, which you can also access separately here:<br/><a href= target=_blank>gdrsmanager_quicklayers_Pro_help.pdf</a><br/><a href= target=_blank>gdrsmanager_quicklayers_help.pdf (ArcMap)</a>

Additional Info

Field Value
dsAccessConst None
dsModifiedDate 2024-12-05 00:07:56
dsOriginator Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
dsPeriodOfContent 7/31/2023
gdrsDsGuid {ac190d2a-9b01-487c-9138-0505798c6ac8}