Lake Plant Eutrophication IBI

Eutrophication may have detrimental effects on a lake, including reductions in the quantity and diversity of aquatic plants, fish and wildlife. The ability to assess the biological condition of a lake plant community is a valuable tool in the conservation of Minnesota's lakes. With this objective in mind, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) developed a lake plant index of biological integrity (IBI) to measure the response of a lake plant community to eutrophication. The DNR will use this <b><i>Lake Plant Eutrophication IBI</i></b> to identify lakes that are likely stressed from anthropogenic eutrophication. A healthy aquatic plant community is an essential part of lakes and provides many important benefits such as nutrient assimilation, sediment stabilization, and habitat for fish. This IBI can provide important context to understanding information about water quality, shoreline health, and the fish community.<br/><br/><b>For a detailed description of criteria used, see:</b> <a href=" Plant Eutrophication IBI summary 2020.pdf" target=_blank>Lake Plant Eutrophication IBI summary 2020.pdf</a>

Additional Info

Field Value
dsAccessConst None
dsCurrentRef Periodic revisions as additional data become available
dsModifiedDate 2023-05-05 23:56:25
dsOriginator Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
dsPurpose To support planning, natural resource management, research and other resource protection-related activities.
gdrsDsGuid {a88b3431-62a8-4aec-9908-ae2d2be4465b}
spatial {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-95.824029, 44.029130],[-95.824029, 48.514924], [-89.957509, 48.514924], [-89.957509, 44.029130], [-95.824029, 44.029130]]]}

Dataset extent

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