Minnesota Climate Normal, 1991-2020 (NOAA GHCNm)

This dataset includes climate data using 30-year averages (normal), and compares the most recent thirty year average (1991-2020) to the entire climate record average (1895-2020). Data are derived using the NOAA Global Historical Climate Network monthly (GHCNm) dataset. This approach generates values for the amount of change (deviation) seen in the most recent 30 years when compared to the entire 126-year period of record. Individual raster data layers are available referencing the average, maximum, and minimum temperature (in degrees farenheit) as well as cumulative preciptitation (in inches) summarized over either an annual or seasonal time step. Both individual raster files and associated contour feature classes for illustrating the pattern across the landscape are available for each climate attribute, seasonal period (annual, winter, spring, summer, or fall), and period of record (recent normal or departure from record). For example, the average annual temperature 1991-2020 raster file represents the average temperature over the year averaged over the 30 year climate normal and the annual precipitation 1991-2020 raster file represents the cumulative precipitation over the year averaged over the 30 year climate normals. The departure from record files represent the difference between the recent observations (1991-2020) and the entire climate record (1895-2020) with positive values indicating that the recent observations are greater than those for the full period of record.

Additional Info

Field Value
dsAccessConst none
dsCurrentRef Time Period of Content date indicates end year of climate normal.
dsMetadataUrl https://resources.gisdata.mn.gov/pub/gdrs/data/pub/us_mn_state_dnr/atmos_1991_2020_climate/metadata/metadata.html
dsModifiedDate 2024-11-21 15:01:17
dsOriginator National Oceanic and Atmoshperic Association (NOAA)
dsPurpose The climate data summarized here are collected from 1895 through 2020. The focus is on reporting seasonal and annual temperature (degrees farenheit) and precipitation (inches) recorded over this time period in the form of the most recent climate normal (1991 - 2020) and the departure from historical conditions (most recent climate normal compared to the full period of record 1895-2020). By creating interpolated surfaces from the source gridded point data (NOAA GHCNm), a broader set of spatial analyses are possible using these data. Additionally, contours provide quick visualization capability of the range of values across the state.
gdrsDsGuid {a736f04b-2679-4021-a3b5-b6999cd1a4ad}
spatial {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-97.23, 43.5],[-97.23, 49.37], [-89.53, 49.37], [-89.53, 43.5], [-97.23, 43.5]]]}

Dataset extent

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