Drinking Water Supply Management Area for Surface Water (DWSMA-SW) New Genera...
New generation of Drinking Water Supply Management Areas for surface water (DWSMA-SW) intakes. This is the endorsed surface and subsurface area surrounding a public water supply... -
Drinking Water Supply Management Areas
These sets of data include the drinking water supply management area boundaries and the vulnerability levels within each management area in Minnesota. More information can be... -
Wellhead Protection Areas
Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA) is the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) approved surface and subsurface area surrounding a public water supply well or well field that... -
Groundwater Restoration And Protection Strategies (GRAPS) layers used in the ...
These layers were created by MDH to provide a groundwater context for MNDNR's Watershed Health Assessment Framework (WHAF) tool. WHAF provides an organized approach for... -
Groundwater Capture Area
The “capture zone” is the proposed capture area within the aquifer. When there isn't a surface water contribution, the groundwater capture area is identical to the wellhead... -
Well Information from County Well Index for the General Public
The County Well Index (CWI) geodatabase was developed by the Minnesota Geological Survey (MGS) and is maintained in cooperation with the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH).... -
Special Well and Boring Construction Areas (SWBCA)
Description: The improper location, construction or sealing of a well or boring in an area of groundwater contamination may allow contaminants to spread to otherwise protected... -
Nitrate Risk to the Water Table Aquifer
Nitrate-nitrogen (nitrate) risk ranking maps have been constructed for the water table aquifer beneath eleven southeastern Minnesota counties, the seven-county Twin City... -
Source Water Assessment Area - Surface Water
These areas were delineated in 2002 and 2003. The source water assessment area for community public water supply systems using surface water intakes includes three distinct... -
Drinking Water Supply Management Area for Surface Water (DWSMA-SW) (2008-2009)
These areas were deliniated in 2008 and 2009. Drinking water supply management area for a surface water intake (DWSMA-SW) is the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) endorsed...