Tax Parcels - Points, Lines and Polygons, Dakota County, Minnesota
This dataset is a compilation of tax parcel information for Dakota County, MNThe layer contains one record for each real estate/tax parcel polygon within the county.... -
Road Centerlines, Dakota County, Minnesota
This layer contains lines showing all public (and many private) roads in Dakota County, Minnesota. The lines are generally collected from plats and aerial photography. -
SWCD Supervisor Districts, Dakota County, Minnesota
This layer represents supervisor district boundaries for the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District for 2012 and 2022. -
Building Polygons, Dakota County, Minnesota
Buildings identified from low and medium level aerial photography for various mapping and application uses. -
Physical Features - Lines and Points, Dakota County, Minnesota
Lines and Points representing physical features; buildings, road edges, decks, patios, electric boxes, utility poles, trees, etc. identified from low and medium level aerial...