Better Bus Stops
Identifies the bus stops programmed for improvements under Metro Transit’s Better Bus Stop program: http://www.metrotransit.org/better-bus-stopsBus stop improvements can be a... -
Park & Rides and Transit Centers
The Park & Rides and Transit Centers layer contains a comprehensive inventory of park and ride and transit center facilities throughout the Twin Cities Metropolitan area and... -
Transit Stops Boardings and Alightings
Contains average daily transit boardings and alightings for all Metro Transit, Met Council, and Maple Grove Transit fixed-route transit service. Note: Records are provided for... -
Park and Pool Lots
The Park and Pool Lots layer contains an inventory of park and pool lots throughout the Twin Cities Metropolitan area and surrounding counties, including communities in the... -
Park and Ride Lots
IMPORTANT NOTICE:This dataset will be retired on 4/17/2020Please transition to Park & Rides and Transit...