State Aquatic Management Area (AMA) Aquisitions
This data layer shows lands acquired by MNDNR Fisheries through purchase, donation and easement for establishment as Aquatic Management Areas (AMAs). AMAs are established to... -
State Peat Leases
The State of Minnesota issues peat leases on state-owned and state-administered fee surface interests. These layers are of active or historic State peat leases, administered by... -
State Mineral Leases
The State of Minnesota issues mineral leases on state-owned and state-administered fee mineral interests. The lease types include iron ore, taconite, industrial mineral,... -
State Surface Interests Administered by MNDNR
State owned surface interests, including fee surface, easement in, lease in, and agreement, administered by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, mapped to the PLS... -
Control Point Generated Public Land Survey (PLS)
The Control Point Generated PLS layer contains line and polygon features to the 1/4 of 1/4 PLS section (approximately 40 acres) and government lot level. The layer was created... -
MN St. Louis River Area of Concern Habitat Projects - Non Management Action
The dataset includes locations of habitat restoration and protection projects completed in the St. Louis River Area of Concern and described in a report titled: Habitat...