State Administered Lands - DNR Management Units, Minnesota
This data layer shows lands acquired, administered and/or managed by Minnesota DNR. These include lands in the following categories: Aquatic Management Area (AMA)Scientific... -
Natural Area Registry
Natural Area Registry (NAR) Sites layer version supporting SNA Work Planning application.natural_area-registry-sites_boundaries: A polygon database delineated on and... -
Scientific and Natural Area Units
This dataset includes the main MNDNR Scientific and Natural Areas (SNA) feature class, along with ancillary feature classes such as annotation and parking lots. These feature... -
County Boundaries, Minnesota
This is the standard Minnesota State County Boundary dataset that is used by MNDNR and many other state agencies. It is maintained by the MNDNR Lands and Minerals... -
Publicly Accessible State Wildlife Management Areas
This polygon theme contains boundaries for approximately 1392 Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) across the state of Minnesota covering nearly 1,288,000 acres. WMAs are part of... -
Groundwater Management Areas, Minnesota
A Groundwater Management Area (GWMA) is the surface and subsurface area within which a GWMA Plan, approved by the commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources, is... -
State Parks, Recreation Areas, and Waysides
This dataset consists of three related feature classes:-- A point file of State Park, State Recreation Area, and State Wayside Area reference locations, individually positioned... -
State Forest Statutory Boundaries and Management Units
This layer file consists of three related datasets:- Statutory boundary polygons of State Forests- Lands managed by the Division of Forestry within the statutory boundaries,... -
DNR Division of Wildlife Administrative Areas
This file was created to show the boundaries of the Wildlife Administrative Areas in the State. -
MNDNR Division of Enforcement Officer Patrol Areas
MNDNR Officer Patrol areas were originally defined and verified by Patrol Officers during the fall of 2002. The current boundaries reflect the changes to MNDNR's Regional... -
Metro Planning and Regional Development in Minnesota
The area for each Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO).The area for each Regional Development Organization (RDO).Check other metadata records in this package for more... -
Federal Adjusted Urban Area Boundaries in Minnesota
Federal Urban Code lists the U.S. Census federal adjusted urban area a road segment is assigned to. The adjusted urban boundaries from the 2010 U.S. census. Check other metadata... -
Construction and Maintenance Boundaries in Minnesota
The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) divides the state into eight administrative zonal areas referred to as construction districts. The boundaries of these... -
MNDNR Division of Fisheries Administrative Areas
This data layer shows the management boundaries of the MNDNR Fisheries Administrative Areas for the State of Minnesota. Boundaries are current as of 6/2/16. Mille Lacs Lake is... -
Boundaries of Minnesota
This is the MnDOT user-accepted version of the state boundary. It is a composite of all of the county boundaries, as accepted by MnDOT for general purpose use. This boundary... -
National Highway System, Truck Network, and Strategic Highway Network
The National Highway System (NHS) consists of roadways important to the nation's economy, defense, and mobility, and was developed by the Department of Transportation (DOT) in... -
State Agency Administrative Boundaries in Minnesota
MnDOT created area transportation partnerships (ATPs) to emphasize greater public involvement in the preparation of transportation plans and programs. There are eight ATPs in... -
Jurisdiction Lookup for Minnesota
Jurisdictional crosswalk is a combination of data from federal sources and legacy MnDOT data. It creates a crosswalk or translation between various ID systems for city,... -
City, Township, and Unorganized Territory in Minnesota
This medium-scale (nominally 1:24,000) dataset represents the boundaries of cities, townships, and unorganized territories (CTUs) in Minnesota. The Minnesota Geospatial... -
Tribal Government in Minnesota
Minnesota interpretation of the boundaries of the federal recognized tribes within Minnesota.Check other metadata records in this package for more information on Tribal...