MetroGIS Address Point Editor Tool Version 4

The Address Point Editor Tool is a custom Esri Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) application for address point data. This tool is intended to be hosted by counties and other organizations that want to facilitate the creation and maintenance of authoritative data for addresses. The application is available to directly add to Web AppBuilder and as the source code to be extended. Please refer to the Address Point Editor Tool <a href="" target=_blank>User Guide</a> or the <a href="" target=_blank>Configuration Guide</a> for more details.

Additional Info

Field Value
dsAccessConst None
dsCurrentRef Version 4 released on 9/4/2018.
North Point Geographic Solutions delivered the final code for the Georeferencing, Reporting and the Batch Upload widgets on 3/26/2018.
dsModifiedDate 2018-08-31 01:39:39
dsOriginator Metro GIS
dsPeriodOfContent 8/30/2018
dsPurpose The creation and sustainable maintenance of an authoritative address point resource has been identified as a desirable goal by the MetroGIS stakeholders. MetroGIS has developed this web editing tool to facilitate the creation and maintenance of address point data.

In addition, the Metropolitan Council, on behalf of MetroGIS, contracted North Point Geographic Solutions for 3 custom widgets to enhance the Address Editor Tool. These include the Georeferencing, Reporting, and Batch Upload Widgets.

Members from the MetroGIS Address Work Group guided the development of the Address Point Editor Tool and custom widgets. This included representatives from Carver, Dakota, Ramsey, Scott and Washington Counties, the Metropolitan Council, and the MN Geospatial Information Office.
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