Minnesota Deer Permit Areas

Deer Permit Areas.

Additional Info

Field Value
dsAccessConst No special restrictions beyond those described in the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources General Geographic Data License Agreement.
dsCurrentRef Time Period of Content date indicates the date which the user can be confident of accuracy and completeness of the dataset.
dsMetadataUrl https://resources.gisdata.mn.gov/pub/gdrs/data/pub/us_mn_state_dnr/bdry_deer_permit_areas/metadata/metadata.html
dsModifiedDate 2023-12-05 00:23:47
dsOriginator Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
dsPeriodOfContent 12/4/2023
dsPurpose The purposes for this boundary layer is for management of the deer population, harvest analysis, managment mapping.
gdrsDsGuid {cc41077a-b453-4f66-8416-3b654ea1055b}
spatial {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-97.23, 43.5],[-97.23, 49.37], [-89.53, 49.37], [-89.53, 43.5], [-97.23, 43.5]]]}

Dataset extent

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