County Boundaries, Minnesota
This is the standard Minnesota State County Boundary dataset that is used by MNDNR and many other state agencies. It is maintained by the MNDNR Lands and Minerals... -
County Boundaries in Minnesota
This dataset represents the county boundaries, as recognized by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. There are 87 counties in Minnesota. Check other metadata records in... -
Minnesota Cities, Townships, and Counties Reference Map
This map of Minnesota cities, townships, and counties was published by MnGeo in January 2019. The primary data set for the map is the "Cities, Townships, and Unorganized... -
Status of Free and Open Public Geospatial Data from Minnesota Counties
This map shows the free and open data status of county public geospatial (GIS) data across Minnesota. The accompanying data set can be used to make similar maps using GIS... -
Redistricting Data, Minnesota, 2020
This data set provides the entire data hierarchy used for the 2020 Redistricting efforts in Minnesota. Includes census block, voting districts, minor civil divisions and... -
Redistricting Data, Minnesota, 2010
This data set provides the entire data hierarchy used for the 2010 Redistricting efforts in Minnesota. Includes census block, voting districts, minor civil divisions and... -
2016 Election Results in Minnesota
This interactive web map depicts the total number of votes cast for each candidate for all offices sought in Minnesota as part of the 2016 election. Results displayed by county,...