DNR Hydrography Dataset
The DNR Hydrography Dataset is the centralized SDE data storage for master versions of DNR hydrographic spatial features (effective 2012). It includes the authoritative... -
Public Water Access Sites in Minnesota
This geodatabase contains authoritative GIS data for MNDNR Parks and Trails-administered public water access sites. It also contains information about free public water access... -
Public Waters (PW) Basin and Watercourse Delineations
These are provisional representations of Public Waters Basins (lakes, wetlands) and Watercourses (streams, altered channels) as depicted on the scanned paper regulatory maps and... -
Current Stream Water Units in Minnesota
A two-dimensional representation of all streams within the State of Minnesota, with associated attributes. This data set is built on the 24,000 National Hydrography Dataset.... -
Listed Infested Waters
These are water bodies (lakes, streams/rivers, wetlands) listed as infested with any of these aquatic invasive species:bighead carpBrazilian waterweed brittle naiadEurasian... -
Lakes of Phosphorus Sensitivity Significance
This layer was created to identify Lakes of Phosphorus Sensitivity Significance (LPSS) within Minnesota. Available lake data were analyzed to classify lakes based on sensitivity... -
Lakes of Biological Significance
This layer shows lakes meeting criteria for Lakes of Biological Significance (LBS) in Minnesota. Lakes were identified and classified by DNR subject matter experts on objective... -
Lake Benefit:Cost Assessment
This dataset was formulated to rank lakes as they relate to the state's priority of focusing on high-quality, high-value lakes that likely provide the greatest return on... -
Buffer Protection Map, Minnesota
These data represent public waters and public ditches that require permanent vegetation buffers or alternative riparian water quality practices. The buffer map data comprise two... -
DNR Division of Ecological and Water Resources District Boundaries
These are the District boundaries for the Minnesota DNR's Division of Ecological and Water Resources (EWR). -
MNDNR Watershed Suite
The MNDNR Watershed Suite is a collection of watershed delineations at various levels, flow network lines, and pour points. This is the newest version updated in 2023. Follow... -
MNDNR Watershed Suite Legacy Dataset (2010-2023)
The legacy version of the MN DNR Watershed Suite is from 2010-2023. Updates to the MN DNR Watershed Suite Dataset will occur on October 31st, 2023 and can be accessed at... -
Lakes and Rivers - Open Water Features
This layer depicts open water features for lakes and rivers. The geography was initially created from the open water features depicted in the 2005 Generalized Land Use dataset... -
MPCA Volunteer Water Monitoring Stations
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Volunteer Water Monitors measure the clarity of lakes and streams, collecting valuable data that is used to make decisions on watershed... -
MnModel Prehistoric Hydrographic Model, Minnesota
The Prehistorical Hydrographic Model (PREHYD) raster feature dataset was developed as a model of prehistoric surface hydrographic features in Minnesota. -
Water-Table Elevation and Depth to Water Table, Minnesota Hydrogeology Atlas ...
This dataset estimates the water-table elevation from three primary sources: depth to water table in saturated soils from Natural Resources Conservation Service data (which are... -
DNR Hydrography - Large Lakes in Minnesota
This layer shows the 10 large lakes involved in the Minnesota DNR Fisheries Large Lake Program. These lakes have surface areas greater than 15,000 acres and are some of the... -
DNR Hydrography - DNR Sentinel Lakes (SLICE program)
This layer represents 24 Sentinel Lakes that are being used for long-term monitoring under the Sustaining Lakes in a Changing Environment (SLICE) Program. Beginning in 2013... -
DNR NextGeneration Hydrography - DNR Watercourses derived from LiDAR
This dataset contains linear features representing watercourse segments generated from a LiDAR-derived DEM (Digital Elevation Model). Features are defined from... -
Lakes with Aquatic Life Use Judgement (Based on Fish IBI)
This layer shows the aquatic life use judgements for MN lakes where fish index of biological integrity (IBI) monitoring has been completed. Attributes correspond to the most...