MNDNR Forest Inventory Old Growth
This layer is a digital inventory of currently designated or candidate old growth forest stands on lands administered by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). This data... -
DNR Wildlife Management Area Land Cover - Publicly Accessible
This polygon feature class contains land cover type boundaries for publicly accessible Wildlife Management Areas(WMAs) across the state. WMAs are part of the Minnesota state... -
MNDNR Forest Inventory Diameter
The Forest Inventory Diameter Distribution table shows the trees per acre by two-inch diameter class for the species present within a stand from the last inventory activity... -
MNDNR Forest Inventory Species
The Forest Inventory Species related table shows the summation of select forest attributes by the species present within the stand. Summations are generated averaging individual... -
MNDNR Forest Inventory NonMerch
This table contains assessments of the regenerating species within a stand, as assessed during the most recent stand inventory activity (whether on the ground or estimated by... -
MNDNR Native Plant Communities
This dataset contains 3 main feature classes. See the detailed description of each feature class in the individual metadata files below:MNDNR Native Plant CommunitiesDNR NPC and... -
MNDNR Forest Inventory
The MNDNR Forest Inventory layer depicts the stand level demarcation of lands administered or managed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR) Forestry. Stands... -
Emerald Ash Borer Detection, Minnesota
This suite of data is a collection of layers that communicate the introduction risk, detection, bioControl, and response to Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) in Minnesota, including... -
Publicly Accessible State Wildlife Management Areas
This polygon theme contains boundaries for approximately 1392 Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) across the state of Minnesota covering nearly 1,288,000 acres. WMAs are part of... -
MBS Sites of Biodiversity Significance
This data layer represents areas with varying levels of native biodiversity that may contain high quality native plant communities, rare plants, rare animals, and/or animal... -
MNDNR Native Prairies
Native prairie polygons are a subset of a larger database of DNR Native Plant Communities and are the result of that classification system and protocol. As a subset of the DNR... -
MNDNR Native Plant Communities - Groundwater Subset
This wetland classification scheme was originally developed for a Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) effort to establish protective permit thresholds for... -
Calcareous Fens - Source Feature Points
Pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, section 103G.223, this database contains points that represent calcareous fens as defined in Minnesota Rules, part 8420.0935,... -
Forest Inventory, Itasca County, Minnesota
This layer is a digital inventory of individual forest stands on Itasca County tax-forfeited land. The data is collected by Itasca County Foresters and is updated on a... -
Rare Natural Communities
Rare natural communities are one of several “Special Considerations” listed in the Wetland Conservation Act rules for consideration under wetland replacement application.The... -
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Survey Data, Minnesota
This table contains all survey records from 2014 to present for brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) in Minnesota. Data fields include latitude, longitude, trap type, lure type,... -
LCCMR Modeled Wild Rice Presence 2023
Modeled wild rice presence data for 2023 were produced using satellite Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 remote sensing data, observation data from The Collaborative State Tribal Wild... -
State Designated Trout Streams, Minnesota
This layer shows legally designated trout streams and trout stream tributaries as identified in Minnesota Rules Chapter 6264. See... -
Land Cover - Minnesota Land Cover Classification System
Land cover data set based on the Minnesota Land Cover Classification System (MLCCS) coding scheme. This data was produced using a combination of aerial photograph interpretation... -
SWCD MLCCS Natural Resource Inventory, Dakota County, Minnesota
This data set contains land cover polygons and associated attributes. From 1999 to 2003 land cover boundaries were created by interpreting, delineating, and digitizing...