National Agricultural Imagery Program from 2015 Available

The USDA Farm Services Agency National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) acquires aerial imagery of the continental U.S. during the agricultural growing seasons. A primary goal of the NAIP program is to make digital ortho photography available to governmental agencies and the public within a year of acquisition.

Learn More About the Policy Behind Free & Open Data

Did you ever wonder why the MetroGIS Regional Parcel Dataset is now completely free and open without license or fees? Are you interested in learning more about the research, deliberation and benefits of free and open data policies?

Join us at Geo:Code 2.0, March 5 and 6, 2016

In 2015, Hennepin County hosted the first Geo:Code open data code-a-thon. The organizers are looking forward to taking the conversation about community, open data, technology and geography across the Twin Cities. This year's event will be held 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., March 5 and 6, 2016, in Room 412 of Robert H.

Milestones: 500 resources, and Retiring DataFinder

DataFinder home page

Next Generation Metadata Slides Posted

If you attended the 2015 GIS/LIS Consortium Conference in Duluth, MN, you may have noticed that many folks behind the Geospatial Commons were in attendance, with lots to discuss.

Annual Refresh of National Soil Data

On October 20, 2015, the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service updated soil data for 2,706 soil survey areas, including many areas of Minnesota. The spatial data (soil polygons, lines and points) and tabular data (physical and chemical properties and interpretive information) are available free from NRCS's Web Soil Survey (WSS). This site is the most widely-used and authoritative website for accessing soil information used to make important land use decisions.


Minnesota Metadata Editor webinar offered by MnDOT October 20

Continuing its series of GIS webinars in 2015, MnDOT is offering a new session on October 20, noon-1:00, about the Minnesota Metadata Editor (MME). Jesse Pearson from MN.IT @ DOT will show attendees how to use MME to create metadata about data they want to provide to the Commons.

Please Welcome the Metropolitan Council, MetroGIS, and Dakota County to the Commons

This past summer, the Geospatial Commons operations team worked hard to make sure that new publishers could utilize a method of web-based publishing via an FTP site.

Webinar about the MN Geospatial Commons offered by MnDOT September 16

Continuing its series of GIS webinars in 2015, MnDOT has invited Mike Dolbow from MnGeo to offer a session about the Minnesota Geospatial Commons at noon on September 16. Learn about the start, growth, and exciting future of the Commons. For information about joining the webinar, contact Amelia Rockwood at

Webinar on ArcGIS Online (AGOL) offered by MnDOT August 20

Continuing its series of GIS webinars in 2015, MnDOT is offering a new session on August 20 for current and potential users of ArcGIS Online (AGOL). In this webinar, Jesse Pearson from MN.IT @ DOT will show attendees how to create a quick web application from available resources and a story map for a public presentation. For information about joining the webinar, contact Amelia Rockwood at 
